La COQ ASISA/UAH colabora con la Sociedad Epañola de Oncología Quirúrgica (SEOQ) y patrocina el Iº Premio C.O.Q. ASISA/UAH y un Accesit , a las dos mejores publicaciones realizadas por un grupo español durante los dos últimos años, en las revistas Clinical and Translational Oncology y European Society of Surgical Oncology, de las que la SEOQ es miembro como Sociedad Nacional.
Los días 10 y 11 de junio se celebró el WORKSHOP (virtual) SEOQ/GECOP y en el mismo se presentaron temas de gran interés y actualidad en Oncología Quirúrgica, desarrollados en forma de ponencias o mesas redondas. La calidad de los ponentes y la asistencia fueron elevadas y el nivel de satisfacción por la participación de los inscritos y el interés de los coloquios muy alto
En el acto de clausura del WORKSHOP por el Presidente de la SEOQ Dr. Jacobo Cabañas y el del Comité Organizador Dr. Fernando Pereira, se hizo entrega en formato virtual por los Directores de la COQ ASISA-UAH, del Premio Cátedra de Oncología Quirúrgica ASISA-UAH y del Accesit.
Durante la conexión los directores de la COQ ASISA-UAH felicitaron a la SEOQ por el éxito del WORKSHOP y a los autores de los trabajos por la calidad de los mismos, y se expresó la intención de continuar con la convocatoria del Premio en años sucesivos , incluso ampliar en el futuro la colaboración con la SEOQ dada la similitud de objetivos.
El Premio fué presentado por el Dr. Álvaro Arjona Sánchez en la Jornada de Clausura de la COQ ASISA-UAH,correspondiente a los Cursos Académicos 2020-2021, celebrada en la Real Academia nacional de Medicina (RANM) el día 9 de Diciembre de 2021 (Ver en SUMARIO).
"Laparoscopic cytorreductive surgery and hiperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for limited peritoneal metastasis. The PSOGI international collaborative registry"
Arjona Sanchez A, Aziz O, Passot G, Salti G, Esquivel J, Van der Speeten K, Piso P, Nedelcut DS, Somarriba A, Yonemura Y,Turaga K, Selvasekar CR, Rodriguez Ortiz, L, Sanchez Hidalgo JM, Casado Adam A, Rufian Peña S, Briceño J y Glehen O.
Eur J Surg Oncol, 2020 (Diciembre),7983 (20)
Introduction: A laparoscopic approach for cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (L-CRS+HIPEC) in highly selected patients has been reported in small cohorts with a demonstrable reduction in length of stay and post-operative morbidity. This study aims to analyse individual patient data from these international centres collected through the Peritoneal Surface Oncology Group International (PSOGI) L-CRS+HIPEC registry.
Methods: An international registry was designed through a networking database (REDCAP®). All centres performing L-CRS+HIPEC were invited through PSOGI to submit data on their cases. Patient's characteristics, postoperative outcomes and survival were analysed.
Results: Ten international centres contributed a total of 143 L-CRS+HIPEC patients during the study period. The most frequent indication was low grade pseudomyxoma peritonei in 79/143 (55%). Other indications were benign multicyst mesothelioma in 21/143(14%) and peritoneal metastasis from colon carcinoma in 18/143 (12,5%) and ovarian carcinoma in 13/143 (9%). The median PCI was 3 (2-5). The median length of stay was 6 (5-10) days, with 30-day major morbidity rate of 8.3% and 30-day mortality rate of 0.7%. At a median follow-up of 37 (16-64) months 126/143 patients (88.2%) were free of disease.
Conclusions: Analysis of these data demonstrates that L-CRS+HIPEC is a safe and feasible procedure in highly selected patients with limited peritoneal disease when performed at experienced centres. While short to midterm outcomes are encouraging in patients with less invasive histology, longer follow up is required before recommending it for patients with more aggressive cancers with peritoneal dissemination.
"Spanish multicenter study of surgical resection of pancreatic tumors infiltrating the celiac axis: does the type of pancreatectomy affect ressults?"
Ramia JM, de Vicente E, Pardo F,Sabater L, Lopez Ben S, Quijano Y, Villegas T, Blanco Fernandez G,Diez Valladadares L, López Rojo I, Martinez Pérez E, Pereira F, Gonzalez AJ, Herrera J, García Domingo MI y Serradilla M.
Clin Trans Oncol, 2021 Feb; 23 (2):318-324
Background: Pancreatectomy plus celiac axis resection (CAR) is performed in patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer. The morbidity rates are high, and no survival benefit has been confirmed. It is not known at present whether it is the type of pancreatectomy, or CAR itself, that is the reason for the high complication rates.
Methods: Observational retrospective multicenter study.
Inclusion criteria: patient undergoing TP, PD or DP plus CAR for a pancreatic cancer.
Results: Sixty-two patients who had undergone pancreatic cancer surgery (PD,TP or DP) plus CAR were studied. Group 1: 17 patients who underwent PD/TP-CAR (13TP/4PD); group 2: 45 patients who underwent DP-CAR. Groups were mostly homogeneous. Operating time was longer in the PD/TP group, while operative complications did not differ statistically in the two groups. The number of lymph nodes removed was higher in the PD/TP group (26.5 vs 17.3), and this group also had a higher positive node ratio (17.9% vs 7.6%). There were no statistical differences in total or disease-free survival between the two groups.
Conclusion: It seems that CAR, and not the type of pancreatectomy, influences morbidity and mortality in this type of surgery. International multicenter studies with larger numbers of patients are now needed to validate the data presented here.
Un estudio internacional liderado por cirujanos del Reina Sofía de Córdoba, mejor artículo publicado en 2020
Un estudio internacional liderado por cirujanos del Reina Sofía de Córdoba, mejor artículo publicado en 2020